Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

Hope Grows better late than never

I’m really late getting my September Hope Grows Day post up – I have reasons (not excuses) including visitors from overseas, a busy work and gardening schedule have kept me away from my computer – but I’m back on track and catching up!

This is my fourth month of taking part in “Hope Grows Day“, a monthly Gardening Blog meme hosted by Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening. I am reporting back on how successful I was in August and showcasing what I am hoping to see in my garden over the next month … Join us all over on Hanni’s blog and share what you are hoping for – Hope Grows September 2011.

My first Iris blooming!

How successful was I in August?

  • Top of the list in August was “Get rid of the damn moles! For real this time!”. Did I? Yes! Don’t ask me how, I’m not going into detail. Suffice it to say I got in professional help in the form of a local company called “The Mole Man”. It requires “maintenance” by myself which is a bit of a pain to do, but the stuff I have to use is non-toxic to my pets and other creepy-crawlies, so I’m happy. So far so good, the mole is a lot less active than he was. Hopefully next month this time the mole saga will be over!
  • Get all the beds composted and mulched in preparation for spring – I’m not quite finished – with visitors etc it was difficult but I’ve spend the last two days working on this and I’m making good progress. Should be done by the end of next weekend.
  • Get the destroyed lawn area reworked by adding compost and preparing the soil for one last attempt at having a beautiful lawn – Done! We have new lawn that so far seems to be doing really well. I’m happy with it!
  • Restock the veggie planter – Almost done – planted parsley, lettuce, coriander and cherry tomatos – waiting for the nurseries to get Basil seedlings.
  •  Start thinking about the front “Gardenia bed” – Had no time to really plan anything specific but I did think about it.

The Freesias are proving much pleasure!

What am I hoping for in September?

  • That time stands still for a few moments … September is almost halfway over and I have so much to do. I’m hoping for the gift of time!
  • That my gardening friends in the USA (Texas in particular) get some much needed rain and that the weather in other parts of America settles down. I’m praying for you all.
  • For myself, I’m hoping to get the composting and mulching completed as soon as possible. I never realised just how big my garden really is.
  • I’m hoping for more lovely surprises in the garden. The past two weeks have been wonderful with my first ever Iris blooming and the Ixias have given us so much pleasure.
  • I’ve just finished planting seeds (my second ever attempt). I’m really hoping that they sprout and give me lots of new plants to plant into some of the bare patches I still have so many of in my garden.

That’s all for now! What are you hoping for in September?

Happy Gardening

Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

Hope Grows Day August 2011

My third month of taking part in “Hope Grows Day“, a monthly Gardening Blog meme hosted by Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening. I am reporting back on how successful I was in July and showcasing what I am hoping to see in my garden over the next month …

Wonderful Azaleas

How successful was I in July?

  • Top of the list for July was “Get rid of the damn moles”. Was I successful? Nooooo …. The war on the moles continues and I regrettably am about to resort to mole traps (I really don’t want to!). I wanted to get rid of them using organic methods but they are not leaving. And they are destroying two of the beds in the front garden to the point that some of my favourite plants are dying so I need to take more drastic action. I warned them … I used sonic mole repellers, all kinds of foul smelling potions, camphor balls planted all over, I even tried the “flushing” method all to no avail. The more I tried the faster they burrow, so … what next? ***
  • I hoped that my bulbs and plants would continue to grow well throughout the winter months and THEY ARE! I have so many buds opening all over the place and to crown it all, my Azaleas are quite spectacular this year. I’m very happy! I had considered getting rid of the Azaleas at one stage – boy am I glad I didn’t!
  • I hoped to get the back garden planted up with new plants on the side that was damaged during recent plumbing improvements – we are getting there! I’ve planted 47 new plants so far. It’s a very large area (far larger than I realised) and it will take a lot more planting to get it looking like something I can be proud of. The thing is that I have a vision and have carefully researched and selected the plants I want there. Not all the plants are currently available so I want to wait until they are. I’m tired of planting things just for plantings sake and to “not have bare patches”, only to end up with stuff I don’t really like or want. So this time I’m waiting for the plants I really want there for the long term. If it takes a bit longer to get it looking nice, then so be it.
  • And finally, I hoped to get all my little “projects”  completed, once and for all – Did I? Noooo – that was wishful thinking, wasn’t it?

Back garden plan

What am I hoping for in August?

  • Get rid of the damn moles! For real this time! *** Last night I read again on “It’s not work, it’s gardening” about how Alan flushes out the moles in his garden. You can read the post here: How I catch moles. I’m going to try the “flushing them out” method Alan uses. I don’t think I was doing it right, so I need to try it again. I really don’t want to kill them and I have a neighbour who’s garden I’d LOVE to put them in :). (the one who threatened me with lawyers letters about my trees … I think he should get my moles!)
  • Get ALL the beds composted and mulched in preparation for spring.
  • Get the destroyed lawn area reworked by adding compost and preparing the soil for one last attempt at having a beautiful lawn.
  • Restock the veggie planter with basil, coriander, lettuce, parsely and … one or two others still to be decided.
  •  Start thinking about the front “Gardenia bed”. Not happy with it anymore, I think it’s a bit of a mess. So I want to think about it and work out what I really want there and start working towards redoing it.

That’s all folks, what are you planning to do in August in YOUR garden?

Join us all over on Hanni’s blog and share what you are hoping for – Hope Grows August 2011.

Happy Gardening

Bugs & Pests Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

Hope Grows Day July 2011

My second time taking part in “Hope Grows Day“, a monthly Gardening Blog meme hosted by Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening. I am showcasing what I am hoping to see in my garden over the next month.

Lovely growth, Check!

So how successful was I in June?

  • I hoped for good rains without too much storm damage. We had good rains. It was lovely. I have not had to water my garden at all in the past 4 weeks. Not once. This week we are experiencing sunny weather, I might need to water tomorrow or Friday as there is no rain forecast and things are getting a bit dry. I had no serious storm damage. So first ” Hope”  for June gets a big Tick! Yay!
  • I hoped my newly planted bulbs would continue to grow – check.
  • I hoped the “Sinfonietta” Irises would continue to grow well – check.
  • I hoped we’d be eating cherry tomatoes – we ate 6! Not quite what I was hoping, but check all the same.
  • I hoped we’d be eating carrots from the veggie garden – not yet. No check.
  • And lastly, I hoped I would have something to show on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the 15th June, and I did. Quite a lot actually – check.

Not bad. More checks than not.

War against the Moles!

So what am I hoping for in July?

  • I have a new “mole / vole / mole rat” problem. All the beds that do not have the solar mole repellents are being decimated by something that seems like a mole. Tomorrow we go to war. Dexter and I against the moles! We are prepared. We have ammunition – two more sonic mole repellers and organic mole repellent potions I bought today. So top of the list for July is “Get rid of the damn moles!!”
  • Of course I continue to hope that my bulbs and plants grow well throughout these winter months
  • I hope to get the back garden planted up with new plants on the side that was damaged during recent plumbing improvements
  • And finally, I’m hoping to get all my little “projects”  completed, once and for all!

What are You hoping for in July? Join us all over on Hanni’s blog and share what you are hoping for – Hope Grows July 2011.

Happy Gardening

Christine's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Hope Grows Day June 2011

This month I’m taking part in “Hope Grows Day“, a monthly Gardening Blog meme hosted by Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening. What is Hope Grows Day? On the 5th of the month (or a day or two later) you showcases what you are hoping to see in your garden over the next month. Its my first month of taking part in this so I don’t have a report back of how successful I was for May, but here is what I’m hoping for in June.

It’s officially Winter here in South Africa, so I’m hoping for good rains without storm damage! (Not asking too much I hope!). Apart from the trees in my garden which I inherited with the property, my garden was newly planted only ten months ago so I am hoping for a mild(ish) winter that doesn’t cause damage to all my new plants. Please Mother Nature … give them a chance!

Most of all I’m hoping that my newly planted bulbs will continue to grow well. I have lots of bulbs sprouting, some even have buds like these …


I’m hoping my “Sinfonietta” Irises continue to grow well (you might remember they were just little rhizomes with a few cut off leaves just 2 months ago, pic here)

“Sinfonietta” Irises

I’m hoping we’ll be eating these cherry tomatoes …

Tomato harvest

… and that these carrots will be on the menu


And that I will have something other than this to show on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day in 10 days time! (there is nothing much happening in my winter garden and I so badly want to take part again, but with so few blooms to show, June might be a non-event for me).


What are you hoping for in your garden in June? Join us all at Hope Grows Day on Hanni’s blog and show what you are hoping for in June…

Happy Gardening