Bugs & Pests Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

Hope Grows Day July 2011

My second time taking part in “Hope Grows Day“, a monthly Gardening Blog meme hosted by Hanni of Sweet Bean Gardening. I am showcasing what I am hoping to see in my garden over the next month.

Lovely growth, Check!

So how successful was I in June?

  • I hoped for good rains without too much storm damage. We had good rains. It was lovely. I have not had to water my garden at all in the past 4 weeks. Not once. This week we are experiencing sunny weather, I might need to water tomorrow or Friday as there is no rain forecast and things are getting a bit dry. I had no serious storm damage. So first ” Hope”  for June gets a big Tick! Yay!
  • I hoped my newly planted bulbs would continue to grow – check.
  • I hoped the “Sinfonietta” Irises would continue to grow well – check.
  • I hoped we’d be eating cherry tomatoes – we ate 6! Not quite what I was hoping, but check all the same.
  • I hoped we’d be eating carrots from the veggie garden – not yet. No check.
  • And lastly, I hoped I would have something to show on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day on the 15th June, and I did. Quite a lot actually – check.

Not bad. More checks than not.

War against the Moles!

So what am I hoping for in July?

  • I have a new “mole / vole / mole rat” problem. All the beds that do not have the solar mole repellents are being decimated by something that seems like a mole. Tomorrow we go to war. Dexter and I against the moles! We are prepared. We have ammunition – two more sonic mole repellers and organic mole repellent potions I bought today. So top of the list for July is “Get rid of the damn moles!!”
  • Of course I continue to hope that my bulbs and plants grow well throughout these winter months
  • I hope to get the back garden planted up with new plants on the side that was damaged during recent plumbing improvements
  • And finally, I’m hoping to get all my little “projects”  completed, once and for all!

What are You hoping for in July? Join us all over on Hanni’s blog and share what you are hoping for – Hope Grows July 2011.

Happy Gardening

By Christine

Dominated by large trees on a medium sized property, my garden is very shaded. With no “full sun” areas I have to plant shade and partial shade loving plants. I love shrubs and flowers including camellias and azaleas but Roses and Irises are my favourite and getting these to thrive is a challenge …

9 replies on “Hope Grows Day July 2011”

Hi Chris – a big task to try and have all your projects done in July 🙂 – I have the same wish, so lets think BIG!!

Congrats on seeing most of your hopes for JUne! That’s a great feeling. 🙂 Looks like you are on a good start in your quest to eradicate the moles/voles/other garden-destroyers that live in holes! Good luck!

Well, I hope your mole eradication program is successful! And that you have crunchy carrots sooner rather than later 😉

Hope to get all your projects finished once and for all!?! I will be interested to see if you do this! I’ve been working many, many years on this one!

Ha ha, Holley, I know what you mean, I am unlikely to get ALL projects finished – I meant all the half-started and half-finished one 🙂

Oh Ronnie, thanks! You have no idea how much this mole is upsetting me. It is ruining parts of my garden. I only hope I get them to migrate to next door before they do too much more damage.

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