Annuals Barbie's garden Christine's garden Gardening Home page features Miscellaneous Perenniels

Autumn in two Gardens for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day in May

Our third combined post for the monthly Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, here’s whats happening in our Gardens in May. We hope you enjoy our “May blooms” and then join Carol and friends over at May Dreams Gardens to see what other gardeners around the world have blooming in May and then pop over to ‘Garten Blogger Blüten im Mei‘ over at Seepferds Garten for the German version of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! Enjoy!

What’s Blooming in Barbie’s Garden in May 2011

With the weather changing and the days bringing unusually warm temperatures and then turing icy cold the next, brings the most interesting flowers. I had little hope of anything exciting. With a busy work schedule, I had little time in the garden this past week so when I stepped out with my camera I found flowers in the smallest of places. Hidden in the tomato patch and high up in the protea bush… enjoy my garden selection!









Lets check out whats happening in Chrisine’s Garden in May…

What’s Blooming in Christine’s Garden in May 2011

With cooler temperatures and a fair amount of rain, growth in my garden has been great resulting in lots of lush green growth, but very few “spectacular” type blooms. The Camellias are flowering, some Azaleas are putting on an early show and the Murraya Exotica (Orange Jasmine) are blooming. Looking around for blooms to give you a good show, here is what’s blooming in my garden in May; lots of pink and white, but the overwhelming theme in my “May Garden” is Green!


[one_half_last]Murraya Exotica[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Iceberg Roses[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Miniature Roses[/one_half_last]




[one_half_last]Chameleon Plant[/one_half_last]

The last photograph is not a “bloom” as such, but I wanted to show the beautiful variegated leaves of my Chameleon Plants – Pretty, no?

Christine's garden Home page features Perenniels

Chameleon plant update

Chameleon plantsA couple of people have asked me recently how my new “Chameleon” plants that I wrote about here are getting on. So I’ve taken a few photographs and here is an update.

Firstly, they weren’t kidding when they said these grow slowly. They have hardly grown at all but appear to have adjusted very happily to their new home.  I’m assuming this of course, only because they haven’t died on me! Actually, they are looking very pretty and have started to sprout some new growth in the last three weeks. As you can see from the photographs – they have lovely white and pink leaves in and amongst the green. It looks very pretty and provides a lovely contrast against all the green ground cover foliage in that bed.

I really love these plants and am expecting them to be really beautiful as they “grow up”. (Their “sister” plants, the standard Trachelospermum Jasminoides, i.e. Star Jasmine, also took a while to settle down after they were first planted, before they started to show any new growth, so it seems these are behaving much as I expected them to).

[one_half]Chameleon plants[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Chameleon plants[/one_half_last]

Happy Gardening

Notes on Trachelospermum Jasminoides “Chameleon” (from RHS): Rare Pink and White Variegation; Unique new evergreen Trachelospermum with bright green, white and pink leaves. Makes an unusual ground cover, or stunning, compact climber. Produces masses of fragrant white flowers in the summer, doing best in semi-shade to shade.