Annuals Christine's garden Gardening Home page features Perenniels

Another bag of potting soil

I had to get a bag of potting soil today for a planter that is being used for the tulip bulbs (no, I still haven’t planted them, but i have a good reason! I needed to get potting soil …)

As always, I seem to be incapable of walking into the nursery and leaving with only what I came for. This time a few seedlings found their way into my car as well as four white Dipladenias. I have a plan for the Dipladenias (or are they Mandevillas – can the plant-naming-people make up their minds? My previous Dipladenias were labelled Mandevilla and these are exactly the same but labelled Dipladenia).

But, I going off point … The plan for the Dipladenias; the two I have are doing so well here that I decided to get more for the front bed trellisses. Its too hot there for the existing Star Jasmine which are getting scorched so I need to  move them (or over-plant with the Dipladenias – is that a thing one can do?)

Then the little six-pack seedling trays were calling me and I came home with Delphiniums, Digitalis and Cinerarias. Now to find homes for them …

[one_half]New acquisitionsA Bag of Potting Soil[/one_half]


It looks like rain this weekend. Hopefully it will clear long enough for me to spend some time in the garden.

Happy Gardening

Annuals Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

One bag of potting soil

This afternoon I had to pop in to the nursery to get ONE bag of potting soil. That’s all. One bag of potting soil. I promised myself that was all I would buy as I have so much work to do in the garden and still have some plants standing around (from the Elgin trip) that need to be planted. That’s the deal I make with myself – I’m only allowed to buy plants when everything is planted and there is nothing much to do in the garden.

I needed one bag of potting soil to fill a container that is being planted with spring flowering bulbs. Thats my mission this weekend – to get all the bulbs planted. So I really needed the potting soil.

Here is what one bag of potting soil looks like in my world …

One bag of potting soil ...

But here’s why …

When I got there I realised that the Narcissus bulbs need a container too (aren’t they pretty?)
The “bulb book” says its a good idea to over-plant the bulbs with annuals (as a living mulch), so I  “needed” the Lobularia.
I found Helichrysum which I just love and had been looking for.
And I fell in love with the Dianella (variegated Flax Lily) – I think it will look great with the uninvited Caladium in the shade garden.

See? All neccessary purchases after all …

Happy Gardening