Just a quickie post – I’m quite thrilled with the way the lower corner of my back garden is taking shape. Just four months ago this area was ruined by plumbing works and I was left with a really horrid looking corner, full of rubble and poor soil and a lot of very sad little plants.
After improving the soil, laying lawn and paying this area some attention with selects plants, its starting to take shape. At the moment it looks a lot like a “foliage garden”. Very little flowering here at the moment, but thats ok. I’ll add a few summer flowering plants when I find the right ones.
Before …
After …
Quite a difference a few months make! I’m loving my ” combinations” – most will stay, a few might get moved around but for now I’m enjoying all the greenery. The ‘patches’ you see in the lawn are an indication of how much my dogs are ‘enjoying’ the lawn too. C’est la vie, I’m not looking for perfection, just a garden for us (dogs and all) to enjoy.
Here are a few more shots of the greenery …
[one_half]A closer view[/one_half]
[one_half_last]My favourite combo[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Another favourite combo[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Another combo I like[/one_half_last]
Happy Gardening