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A wet winter garden

The weather man has predicted rain and more rain and cold temperatures, so for this weekend we made soup and collected firewood for the ย fireplace and the only thing missing is a good book. I did take some time during the week to take note of the chores still needing my attention. The chicken run needs a landscape artist – sigh! …. and the next lot of seedlings need sowing – ok! ….. and the lawn needs mowing …..argh! No, I’d rather take some photos! My garden is looking beautiful through the eyes of the camera – it does not see the chores that need my attention!! The rain has washed it all clean and it has a fresh face ….take a look at what I saw!

Fuchsia bush is blooming again – I love the rain drops on the leaves!


The sunbird is back! He is looking for a mate!

The Mighty Mugwood tree is collecting rainwater!

My second favourite tree in my garden – Tea Tree (still a young bush)

Protea bush in full bloom and loving the weather

My raised bed with brand new seedlings – all self-seeded from last summer. There is celery, chamomile, Sparaxis and comfrey. Love definitely grows here!

I have Nasturtiums all over my garden – self seeded as well!

Celery – so good for you and so easy to grow – they are popping up everywhere!

Love in my garden!

Cleomes still charming the camera lens!

[one_half]Cleomes and the meadow in the background[/one_half]

[one_half_last]The guava tree and wet meadow[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Bulbs growing in between Soapwort[/one_half]

[one_half_last]My Leopard tree soaked and loving it[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Roses getting a cleansing shower[/one_half]

[one_half_last]The grass feature with its birdbath-full![/one_half_last]

[one_half]My grasses looking divine in winter colour[/one_half]

[one_half_last]More grasses after rain[/one_half_last]

My Artemesia Powiss Castle is just stunning when it rains.

The aphids on this wet rose bud don’t look to happy!

This rose got a real good soaking. But looks happy!

Are you also having a wet weekend? What’s happening in your garden?

Happy gardening xxxx

By Barbara

Country living is the best! Being a true spirit of the earth, my garden is all about vegetables and fruit trees and herbs and chickens roaming free. I was keen to really start gardening when we moved to Philadelphia in 2005, but not your typical suburban-type garden โ€“ sterile and bug-free! I wanted an edible garden.

19 replies on “A wet winter garden”

I could feel the love you have for your garden in this post. How wonderful to have some rain for the garden, and to get to rest a bit before having to catch up on chores. Everything looks so pretty.

Your garden is spectacular in the rain! I know what you mean about the garden looking good through the camera lens, where you don’t have to focus on all the chores. ๐Ÿ™‚ That macro of the Protea bloom took my breath away! Stunning!

Ha, I’ve done that before – took one look at the garden with all its chores and neediness and decided I’d much rather just have fun with the camera! That’s great you have so much that has self-seeded! My garden is now entering the rather dry summer spell – soon it’s going to be time to start pulling out the water hose, something I’ve been trying to avoid.

I love your photo of the nasturtium leaf. I like to photograph raindrops on foliage. Today was a wet day and unusually cool for a summer day. It felt wonderful! Your plants seem to appreciate a good soaking, too!

I’ve been trying to decide whether to plant Powis Castle artemisia in my garden. I think I might have plant envy. It supposed to drought tolerant. I was eyeing it at a local nursery last weekend.

I have A. Powis Castle in my Italian garden and it doen’t thrive like other Artemisia, I don’t think it really loves drought. It’s name is a bit of a clue. Powis Castle is in Wales where it reians a lot! Christina

I certainly was pleasantly surprized when this one grew to a beautiful bush. I find it hard to propogate (they say it is easy! Hmmm) and it is fast becoming a must have in the garden. It thrives with the roses and it is a great insect repelant, if you make your own organic version. I place cuttings under broccolli and other aphid-attracting plants. It helps alot! We also get very hot days in summer and I must say, it tolerates these days quite well.

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