Barbie's garden Miscellaneous

We can fly!

Day 11

We flew today!! Micro amazed us with her natural ability to just take off and fly. I thought today was the day we could go outdoors and introduce her to the big world. She walked around but never took her eyes off me. She wanted to fly into my lap, but instead she took off and just went straight up – onto the roof’s gutter!! I think she was shocked herself!! Hannes climbed up to get her down. Whew! She still has lots to learn, but we try again tomorrow!

[one_half]Flying lesson[/one_half]

[one_half_last]I can Fly![/one_half_last]

By Barbara

Country living is the best! Being a true spirit of the earth, my garden is all about vegetables and fruit trees and herbs and chickens roaming free. I was keen to really start gardening when we moved to Philadelphia in 2005, but not your typical suburban-type garden – sterile and bug-free! I wanted an edible garden.

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