Barbie's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Micro has tjommies!

Micro at eating timeDay 30

At seed time today, she had a number of tjommies joining her for dinner! She started off friendly then tried to defend her seeds. She was not happy with the onslaught and left. Here you can see the neighbourhood birds – the yellow birds are the Cape Weaver (ploceus capensis). The smaller, bland looking birds are the Southern Red Bishop (euplectes orix). They are non-breeding males and femles, but during the mating season the males actually turn into the most beautiful red with the cutest black face. I will have to take photo’s in early summer – you will be amazed at the colour. The doves are exactly what Micro will look like when she grows up. The Lemon dove. But I’m looking in my South African Bird book now and she could be a Laughing Dove. Hmmm… I will need an expert to help me on this. Would not want to confuse her at this sensitive stage of her teenage life!

[one_half]Micro meets the neighbourhood birds[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Micro getting stingy[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Weavers and Bishops[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Neighbourhood birds[/one_half_last]

Barbie's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Micro getting brave

Micro on my headDay 29

The wounded Micro has survived the attack, perhaps by a bird. We still don’t know what had happened. But this has made her really clingy! She won’t leave the top of my head! Today, we ventured outside again and tried putting the seeds on the table on the back stoep. Well, low and behold, she allowed the other doves to eat with her. Then the panic set in. Oh yes… so, now I think he is a she and the guys are looking!! She flew in with one right behind her, so he was flying around the kitchen! heehee!! So funny! Yes, Micro has a play-date! So cute!

Barbie's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Micro all grown up

Micro watching TVDay 25

Micro has officially flown beyond the boundary of the garden wall. Now, very confidently flys from the kitchen to the deck and then to the tree behind the wall at the back. I also think that she is a he – just watching the mannerisms of the male birds when they come into the garden to feed. He doesn’t take the feeding syringe anymore – now is eating seeds on his own and drinking water and splashing in the water bowl. He has also claimed the diningroom table as his own and if your hand comes anywhere near his seeds, he jumps at you and pecks at you! So cute!! We play catch-catch!! He is so part of the family now, I would miss him if he decides to go back into the wild!

[one_half]Micro feeding[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Micro drinking[/one_half_last]

Barbie's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Micro part of the family

Day 18

Micro had her first shower today! She seems to have enjoyed it! As the days go on, she is becoming more and more cute! She sleeps perched on our headboard at night and waits patiently until I open my eyes. Oh, she gets so excited to see I’m awake that she flaps her wings and demands foodies – poking me with her beek! She recognises the tin cup sounds as I mix her food and she comes flying into the kitchen and hops and jumps on the spoon. She sits on the table with us at lunchtime and on Hannes’ shoulders when we work in front of the computer. What a real sweetiepie!

[one_half]Micro having a shower[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Micro a teenager[/one_half_last]

Barbie's garden Miscellaneous

We can fly!

Day 11

We flew today!! Micro amazed us with her natural ability to just take off and fly. I thought today was the day we could go outdoors and introduce her to the big world. She walked around but never took her eyes off me. She wanted to fly into my lap, but instead she took off and just went straight up – onto the roof’s gutter!! I think she was shocked herself!! Hannes climbed up to get her down. Whew! She still has lots to learn, but we try again tomorrow!

[one_half]Flying lesson[/one_half]

[one_half_last]I can Fly![/one_half_last]

Barbie's garden Miscellaneous

Micro is growing

Bby Dove Day 10Day 10 :   These last three days Micro is showing signs of becoming a fully fledged dove, in fact a Lemon Dove (Columba larvata) AKA: Cinnamon Dove or Forest Dove – we known it as a lemoen duifie. She sits on my shoulder after I’ve fed her and we walk around the house together. She is testing her wings and her balance is improving. But she still gets tired quickly and after a while, her eyes close and I put her back into her box. She snuggles down and I cover her with her blankie!