Barbie's garden Gardening Home page features Miscellaneous

Feathered friends sharing apple crumble

Oh Chris – I loved the 30 Day Challenge on the gardening buddies – our feathered friends who help us in the garden. Not only do they help us in the garden, but entertain us and join in our delight!  I want to share my little friends with you. We were all enjoying an apple crumble together. The wagtail was first – I could not believe it! Then came the Cape Sparrow and the cheeky Cape Weaver. It was such a special moment!

I love the birds in my garden!!

Barbie's garden Home page features Miscellaneous

Micro has tjommies!

Micro at eating timeDay 30

At seed time today, she had a number of tjommies joining her for dinner! She started off friendly then tried to defend her seeds. She was not happy with the onslaught and left. Here you can see the neighbourhood birds – the yellow birds are the Cape Weaver (ploceus capensis). The smaller, bland looking birds are the Southern Red Bishop (euplectes orix). They are non-breeding males and femles, but during the mating season the males actually turn into the most beautiful red with the cutest black face. I will have to take photo’s in early summer – you will be amazed at the colour. The doves are exactly what Micro will look like when she grows up. The Lemon dove. But I’m looking in my South African Bird book now and she could be a Laughing Dove. Hmmm… I will need an expert to help me on this. Would not want to confuse her at this sensitive stage of her teenage life!

[one_half]Micro meets the neighbourhood birds[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Micro getting stingy[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Weavers and Bishops[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Neighbourhood birds[/one_half_last]