I took a stroll around the garden and the veggie patch this evening and I was pleasantly surprised with all the healthy growth happening – my trees and my veggies. We had a heavy down pour after that really hot day last week, so my garden was so thankful. It got a good soaking and it shows! My little guava tree is all bushy and bright! Maybe this year we will have guavas. All my spinach and lettuce are looking delicious! AND my tomato plants are finally showing signs of producing tomatoes! My lemon tree is, at long last, looking healthy and producing lemons! I drenched it with my soapy water pesticide to get rid of the woolly aphids and ants last week and I pruned all the dead or diseased branches yesterday! So now this week I’ll give it a good mulch and feed and also plant my nasturtiums underneath it! How is your lemon tree doing? I hope that you are having the same success as I am. See you soon!