Barbie's garden Miscellaneous

Baby Dove Day 4

Baby Dove Day 4Up again early and Baby Dove is now fully into her feeding routine. She is now preening herself after her feed, so content and happy in the palm of my hand. I still want to find a name for her! Peep will not do when she is a fully grown turtle dove. You can see the feathers are now ‘sprouting’ and her tail feathers are developing. She climbs into my hand and nows that I’m the mommy. She is so cute – Hannes is also taken by her cuteness!

By Barbara

Country living is the best! Being a true spirit of the earth, my garden is all about vegetables and fruit trees and herbs and chickens roaming free. I was keen to really start gardening when we moved to Philadelphia in 2005, but not your typical suburban-type garden – sterile and bug-free! I wanted an edible garden.

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