Some tree hugger in Austin, Texas told me to do it! But unlike Cat who has photographic evidence, there was nobody around to catch me in the act so I can’t prove it. But I hugged my tree today. And it didn’t feel weird. Really it didn’t. Try it!
And I found a really welcome little surprise. The Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) which I have growing at the base of the huge tree that stands in my front garden, has attached itself at various places and is starting to wind its way around the tree, in what seems to be a “hug”. Given the size of the little Star Jasmine and that of the big tree it might take years before it looks impressive, but I love the idea that one day this massive trunk may be smothered in this sweet Jasmine.
[one_third]The big tree …[/one_third]
[one_third]a closer view[/one_third]
[one_third_last]Star Jasmine hugs the tree[/one_third_last]
When last did you hug a tree?
You can get a perspective of the size of this tree in the second photograph – note the size of the bird bath in the lower left corner.
Happy Gardening