I’ve just returned from a two-week trip to Munich in Germany which included a two-day stop in Paris on the way home. Of all the fabulous things we did and saw over the two weeks, for me, a visit to Seebauer Garten Center was one of the highlights. Even if you are not a plant-nerd, this Nursery is impressive, not just for the sheer size and scale of the offerings but for the quality and presentation of plants. I didn’t take my good camera with me but the little Canon Ixus managed to capture some of the outstanding features of the Nursery, but regretfully, not the size and scale of it all.

The multi award-winning Nursery was awarded “Bestes Gardencenter Deutschlands” in 2005, 2006 and again in 2008 and wow! it shows! Started in 1864 by Georg Seebauer, today it is still run by the family. The love of plants instilled in her ‘in the crib’, the Nursery today is run by his family, at this time by Gertraud Gerstenkorn and her husband Lutz and their son, Bernhard.
Lets take a look around …
[one_half]At the entrance to Seebauer
[one_half_last]I love what they’ve done with these pots
[one_half]A look at the potted plant section
[one_half_last]Loved these “soft pots” (fancy grow bags)
[one_third]Potted plants display
[one_third]More potted plants
[one_third_last]Ginkgo Biloba
[one_half]A highlight for me … the Tree Nursery
[one_half_last]A fabulous Autumn showing of Acer
[one_half]This display was simply beautiful
[one_half_last]I really, really want one of these!
[one_half]Bamboo – We thought of you, Alan 🙂
[one_half_last]Beautiful grasses – a stunning display
[one_half]Rows and rows and rows …
[one_half_last]And more rows of beautiful plants
[one_half]Beautifully displayed plants …
[one_half_last]I came away inspired and full of ideas
[one_half]This was my favourite display – ‘Heide’
[one_half_last]Lots of ideas and beautiful plants
Looking back at these photographs I now wish I had taken the fancy camera. I have really not done justice to this impressive Nursery with my amateurish photos. The Tree Nursery, for example, spreads out at the back of the centre and looks like a little forest – row upon row of magnificent trees, all in their finest Autumn wear. It was a beautiful sight. I could have bought so much …
We stopped off for tea at the Cafeteria which was upstairs and afforded a birds eye-view of the centre (and a few little birdies joined us for tea).
[one_half]My Mom getting us tea at the Cafeteria
[one_half_last]Even the grown-ups keep texting!!
[one_half]In the Cafeteria at Seebauer
[one_half_last]A view from the top level
[one_half]Another view from the upper level
[one_half_last]They had plenty of Roses on display
[one_half]Everything here is accurately labelled
[one_half_last]An impressive range of hardware
[one_half]Rows and rows of pots and decor
[one_half_last]Not a speck of dust, anywhere
I had to get special permission to take photographs which was given to me after I had signed a register and explained that I was a tourist from South Africa. It took incredible self-restraint not to go completely crazy in here. I could honestly have bought so much if I were allowed to bring this back to South Africa. Sadly, it is not permitted to bring plant material back home, understandably so. But it was great fun imagining and I came home with lots of ideas. First one is that I absolutely have to get an Acer Palmatum for my garden. They thrive in the same conditions that Azaleas do well in, so it seems like a no-brainer for my garden. And perhaps a Ginkgo Biloba too? How beautiful they looked together here.
[one_half]The Orchid display was impressive
[one_half_last]Orchids seemingly everywhere
[one_half]Orchids and accessories
[one_half_last]Start of the fake flower section
I did buy a few odds and ends of the non-plant variety. They had an impressive ‘Christmas Shop’ and I couldn’t resist a grow bag. My daughter’s wish for artificial Cherry Blossoms was realised – they had the most impressive range of silk flowers I have ever seen. I’m not a lover of fake flowers, but these impressed even me, so I squashed and bent 10 huge sprays of fake cherry blossoms into my luggage and after 24 hours of resting they are standing tall and proud, ready for a massive glass vase – Daughter loves them! I think I do to …