This month we have finally experienced the big cool down, but the hot days still linger on this day, 15 April for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. We have had heavy down pours, then sweltering heat, then the big chill! It is not uncommon to have 4 seasons in one day this time of year, so this can cause havoc in the garden. Let’s see what’s blooming in our gardens……
Here’s what’s blooming in Barbie’s garden in April 2012
The rains came! Whew! Needed that so badly. The air feels cleaner and my mood has lifted. The heat always drains everything out of me with no real motivation to get out there in the garden. So – there are a few new additions and some good ol’ favourites! This is the month to sow my winter vegetables, so my main aim is to get the clean up done and get the seeds in the ground. A few borage, marigold and bulb flowers will find their way in the big planting – so we shall have colour!!
[one_half]This patch is looking colourful[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Pineapple Sage in full bloom[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Rosemary is looking and smelling gorgeous[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Love my Cleomes[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Erigeron all lush and meadowy[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Lobelia blue – could not resist buying these[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Spearmint is flowering[/one_half]
[one_half_last]This is a newbie – forgot the name![/one_half_last]
[one_half]Lemon Verbena’s small bloomies![/one_half]
[one_half_last]Gerbera Daisy still blooming! Amazing![/one_half_last]
[one_half]Protea bush is now in full flower[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Roses are now looking good[/one_half_last]
[one_half]My Leopard Tree is flowering-how beautiful![/one_half]
[one_half_last]The Calybrachoa is hanging on![/one_half_last]
Here’s whats blooming in Christine’s Garden in April 2012
My poor garden has taken a real beating this time around and with so much to do and clean up, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. If the weather would just clear up long enough to let me get to it all, that would also be nice. Maybe this week. For now, I have only a few things blooming which I’d like to share. I’m happy to have lots of roses blooming, the Camellias are starting to flower quite profusely now and the little Bush Violets are covering the Azalea bed with their charming little blooms. The Mexican Petunia astounds me – I’ve successfully propagated it and now have four new plants. The original is taller than I am now and continues to flower and looks beautiful – look at the size of the leaves – I love it!
[one_half]Barleria obtusa – Bush Violet[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Camellias are opening everywhere[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Looking lovely even through the rain[/one_half]
[one_half_last]The roses are smaller but lovely[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Lobelia – easy and pretty[/one_half]
[one_half_last]Faithful Dietes grandiflora flowers[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Crocosmia about to flower[/one_half]
[one_half_last]The Mexican Petunia is huge[/one_half_last]
About Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
Join Carol and friends over at May Dreams Gardens for April Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to see what other gardeners around the world have blooming in their gardens today. And if you haven’t joined yet and have some blooms you’d like to show off, please join in the fun of showcasing your blooms! We’d love to see what YOU have blooming in YOUR garden right now!
Thank you for joining us!
[note_box]PS: Please join us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter – we’ll be so happy if you do![/note_box]
Happy Gardening!