Barbie's garden Do it yourself Gardening Home page features Miscellaneous Trees

The Mighty Mugwood Tree

Well, the tree finally found itself into our front garden – the Mighty Mugwood tree. This work of art was the idea of my husband when he brought home two crates of metal mugs. He came up with the idea of a big tree. I was so enthusiastic with my hubby’s interest in the garden that I was immediately supportive and said the big old lavender can now move. Well, the rest you can see for yourself in the photo sequence.  I love the new look and it wasn’t long when the neighbourhood came to see the Mugwood Tree. We’ve had a few visitors driving by to take pictures! We hope you enjoy it with us xxx

[one_half]Goodbye my old lavender[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Cleared area for our tree[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Here comes the tree[/one_half]

[one_half_last]All done – but wait…something missing[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Now for the fruit[/one_half]

[one_half_last]Adding the final touch[/one_half_last]

[one_half]All done![/one_half]

[one_half_last]Part of the front garden[/one_half_last]