We’ve been celebrating Spring for the past week and enjoying lovely sunny days and the effect it has in the garden. My favourite tree the Cherry Blossom (type: unknown) is in full bloom and dropping the lovely petals to the ground which creates a magical snow-like look in the beds below. I can stare at this tree for hours, knowing that in two to three short weeks she will be covered in bright green leaves and the blossoms will be gone, until next year. So while I can, I enjoy the wonderful spectacle of this tree.
Lets take a look at some of the things I’m loving in my garden right now … (click to enlarge the photos)
[one_half]The Cherry blossom in all her glory[/one_half]
[one_half_last]All the Blossoms falling to the ground[/one_half_last]
[one_half]Sherry has joined us on our walkabout[/one_half]
[one_half_last]I’m loving the Azaleas and foliage here [/one_half_last]
[one_half]I love this combo of grasses and bulbs[/one_half]
[one_half_last]A celebratory Spring purchase: Clematis[/one_half_last]
“Who me? No Mom! I promise I never trample on your plants …”
It all looks very pretty and organised doesn’t it? Well … this is only a very small portion of my garden. The rest needs lots and lots and lots of work. So much so that I feel quite intimidated by it all. And with rain predicted for the coming weekend, I’m not sure I’ll make much progress.
I’m joining our good gardening friend Donna of Garden’s Eye View for her Seasonal Celebration. Pop over to see how our friends in the northern hemisphere are celebrating Fall (Autumn).
Happy Gardening
7 replies on “Seasonal Celebrations”
Hi, Does anyone know when cherry blossoms bloom?What period?
I know that the Open Gardens in November is when the Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. That is in Ceres/Elgin area – Western Cape.
That Clematis was a great buy!! I have never seen so healthy a specimen. Now, the big question is where is going to go? 🙂
I love the look of the grasses and bulbs together under the silver birch. This is fast becoming my favourite patch in your garden. 🙂
Well, that area looks wonderful! Spring has so much to celebrate – but it brings a lot of work, too. I’m behind on my fall chores. There’s always something to do in the garden! That last pic is adorable! No, doesn’t look guilty at all!
I am so excited you could join us as I love celebrating spring no matter where and when…your garden is doing great…now that we are finally getting rain, I am being thwarted in the garden with chores too!
Happy Spring Christine, I’m happy your garden is giving you such joy. Autumn is giving me joy here in Italy, it is cooler and we’ve had rain, the change of seasons is lovely. Christina
Looking great Christine!