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Meadow in colour

Hi Chris – the meadow patch is blooming!! There are delicate flowers every where and more to come….. I know there are weeds in between the flowers, but thats a meadow, right? I know there are alyssums, nasturtiums, cosmos but no real flowers yet, there are phlox and marigolds and others I need help with. Take a look at how nice it looks now! It needs some sort of styling, but at the moment I’m just going to enjoy looking beyond the veggie patch and instead of seeing the usual bare ground, I’m looking into a fields of flowers.



I am not sure what flower this is – but it is everywhere and stands tall and has various colours – really pretty.


[one_half]Phlox in various colours[/one_half]

[one_half_last]So pretty[/one_half_last]

[one_half]New flower – what can it be?[/one_half]

[one_half_last]There needs to be a path to the guava tree[/one_half_last]

I am like a child when I see all the flowers and have to stop myself from running through them. It needs a bit of “cleaning” and styling so that I can walk through this to the fruit trees without flattening the delicate plants. I’ll see what I can do this weekend – I was thinking of adding a small “path” through this with stepping stones or something like this and maybe a feature somewhere…… birdbath? or a bench?

I’ll hope to have some time this weekend, but it could be put on hold because of the weather or because my sister is here from Australia and we need to catch up on lost time! I’ll keep you posted!

Happy Gardening xxxxxx

By Barbara

Country living is the best! Being a true spirit of the earth, my garden is all about vegetables and fruit trees and herbs and chickens roaming free. I was keen to really start gardening when we moved to Philadelphia in 2005, but not your typical suburban-type garden – sterile and bug-free! I wanted an edible garden.

20 replies on “Meadow in colour”

Meadows need paths mown through them, it gives a real sense of place. A bench to enjoy it all sounds perfect. I envy you your mild winters it is much colder than that in winter in Italy. Christina

Very pretty! I absolutely love meadow gardens. And it also helps that they disguise weeds much better than transitional gardens! 🙂

This is lovely! But, isn’t it winter there? I’m surprised to see so many blooms! I like the idea of mowing a pathway through the meadow, and a little bench would be the perfect touch to draw people in. Have fun with your sister!

Oh I absolutely LOVE this!!!!
I think the “new flower, what can this be?” looks like oxalis. I have little white ones, they are too cute.

Well done Barbs, this is F a b u l o u s !

Oh thank you!!!!!! So glad you like it. I am pretty pleased with it too. I am going to put a path and a bench to sit and contemplait in my meadow! I have just the bench in mind! 🙂

I LOVE your meadow! Laurrie at My Weeds Are Very Sorry has mowed a small path through her meadow so she can wander along the path. It’s very calming and peaceful. It might be difficult to mow through flowers but maybe next year 🙂

That is beautiful! I am so jealous!! I tried to plant a meadow garden last year, but my space is too small I think and it only gets a half day of sunshine at most. I did get beautiful cornflowers and sweatpeas, but the thick ground cover I was hoping for looked very straggly. Yours is just like a storybook! Please can you describe how you planted it and what seeds you sowed. Thanks.

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