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Edible flowers in my garden

I came across an article on edible flowers some time ago and while I was thinking of something to blog about, I remembered this and I was quite surprised that I have quite a few of them that grow in my garden (some from Spring to Summer). Of the 35 or so flowers mentioned, I have 21 of them!! These blossoms are used in teas or salads. The borage flower has a light cucumber flavour, the chamomile has a honey flavour and it great as a tea, The marigold is spicy and bitter,  and the lemon blossom is good for making citrus water. The jasmine has a delicate sweet flavour and the lemon verbena is perfect for a lemony tea. If you want something spicy or peppery, use Nasturtiums or carnations.

Personally, I would make teas out of the sweet blossoms, like Verbena, Borage, Jasmine and Chamomile and know that they are health giving and delicious to drink. The others I can add to any plate or table for decoration – whether I will actually eat them is another thing!

[one_half]Lemon (Citrus) blossom[/one_half]








[one_half_last]Lemon Verbena[/one_half_last]


[one_half_last]Squash flower[/one_half_last]



The corn flower

[one_half]Sweet Basil[/one_half]








Well, not all beautiful flowers are edible – some are actually poisonous!!  Can you believe that the Azalea, Clematis, Daffodil, Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna), Delphinium, Nandina, Iris, Lobelia, Potato flower, Sweta Pea, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow are ALL in the POISONOUS CATEGORY?

Well, be careful and Happy Gardening xxxxx


By Barbara

Country living is the best! Being a true spirit of the earth, my garden is all about vegetables and fruit trees and herbs and chickens roaming free. I was keen to really start gardening when we moved to Philadelphia in 2005, but not your typical suburban-type garden – sterile and bug-free! I wanted an edible garden.

17 replies on “Edible flowers in my garden”

Thanks Donna – I love using Borage in salads or just to decorate a dish and young Chamomile leaves as well – they are so tasty in a mixed green salad, and I am sure really healthy too. 🙂

Thanks for the heads up. I love adding flowers to salads and dinner tables when I’m hosting. It’s good to know which ones won’t agree with you though!

I grow jasmine and did not know you could use them in tea. I have had jasmine tea, but never thought about brewing with the flowers. Does it work the same as making mint tea?

I am in Southern Brazil, so “my weather” is almost equal to South Africa climate. But I never did get to grow chamomile here in the winter (rest of the year is ok…) BTW, this winter is been VERY cold and DRY here, with a couple of days warmer. Indeed, we’re in a severe drought since january…. The chamomile seeds that I plant in june or just grow so little or simply died in complete frozen 🙁

Oh no!! Mine are self-seeded. They just come up everywhere – maybe because we have had good rains! Sorry to hear about drought! A challenge for any gardener!

Fuchsia is edible?! I had no idea! So it’s stunning and edible–wow! Thanks for letting us know. My harvest has been less than stellar because of the drought this year, but I hope to join in the meme in August.

I’ve wanted to do a little research on this for a while but haven’t had time. Your post was perfect for what I wanted to know and your blooms are beautiful… or should I say delicious looking. 🙂

Oh Thanks Caroline!! I was so glad I had so many in my garden that I could actually do a post on them 🙂
I am a fan of edibles, you know!

I have to agree – Chamomile is also my favourite – I had 2 plants last year and now they have self-seeded and I have transplanted tons of them all over my veggie patch – can’t wait! 🙂

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