30 Day Challenge Christine's garden Gardening Home page features

The 30 Day Challenge – Day 27

Today I am grateful for all the tools and gadgets that make gardening easy and fun – without all my gardening tools I’d really be stuck! How would we cope without spades and rakes, hoes and watering cans, hose-pipes and wheel barrows, buckets and secateurs, loppers, bulb dibber and … there are so many tools I could not garden without.

One “tool” on my wish-list which I don’t yet have is “Lawn aerator shoes”. Have you heard of those? No, I hadn’t either but I believe you can buy them – What next!
Whats your “can’t do without” gardening tool?

Jasminum Polyanthum

Photo: Jasminum Polyanthum – I have recently planted this evergreen creeper in my rose bed against the walls. I needed something that could tolerate the heat in this corner and would climb quickly to cover the trellises. I love the smell and the pretty white flowers. Easy and pest free.

 Jasminum polyanthum, also known as Pink Jasmine (or White Jasmine), is an evergreen twining climber from China. It produces an abundance of reddish-pink flower buds in late winter and early spring, followed by fragrant five-petalled star-like white flowers which are about 2 cm in diameter. It has compound leaves with 5 to 7 leaflets which are dark green on the upper surface and a lighter green on the lower surface. The plant is very vigorous and can grow up to 6 metres in height when supported. Depending on the climate, this vine has a semi-deciduous to evergreen foliage.

About the 30 Day Challenge

Cat of The Whimsical Gardener, has invited Garden Bloggers the world over to join her in the 30 day challenge of posting a photograph and sentiment that you are thankful for – every day for 30 days. Find something you are thankful for every day, for 30 days, can’t be too difficult, can it? See all Barbie’s and my posts filed under “30 Day Challenge“.

By Christine

Dominated by large trees on a medium sized property, my garden is very shaded. With no “full sun” areas I have to plant shade and partial shade loving plants. I love shrubs and flowers including camellias and azaleas but Roses and Irises are my favourite and getting these to thrive is a challenge …

5 replies on “The 30 Day Challenge – Day 27”

That pink and white combination is very pretty. I like to have a variety of kinds of hoes, and pick which one I will use based on my mood and what kind of weeds I’m getting rid of. I can’t think of what new kind of tool I would like.

Lawn aerator shoes!!? 🙂 That would be a fun Xmas present!! heehee!! I wonder where I can find them? I cannot do without my gardening gloves! I would be a complete mess without them. I can’t go without them.

Tools? You’ve not gardened until you’ve dug a planting hole with a big stick! That will make you treasure even the worst digging tool you have.

My most important tool is probably my square-ended spade. I bought a pretty cheap one 20 years ago and it’s been so reliable. I’ve probably worn an inch of the blade off shoveling various materials from the driveway over the years. I’ve used it so much I can’t dig with a pointed or rounded spade anymore — it feels weird.

Number two would be secateurs, although we call them “pruners”. “Secateurs” sounds like something you’d find in a labyrinth. 🙂

Wouldn’t you need to be Bertie at Hidcote – the earth beneath the grass soft moist friable enough that shoes would work? Most of the dry compacted lawns I see would probably break your hip if you tried that trick!

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