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Off to the Nursery!

Sweet BasilI had this shopping list for a whole week and when I finally cleared all the weeds from my veggie patch, I allowed myself the luxury of going to the Nursery, with my best friend of course! It was great – I got almost all the plants I wanted – The main idea was to buy Insect Repelling plants, like the artemesias (Southernwood, Wormwood), Tea Tree and Lemon Verbena,  as well as the tonic plants (Comfrey and Yarrow). I managed to get wormwood and lemon verbena. I’ll have to try again end of March/April for the Tea Tree and the rest.

Here are some pics of the sweet flowers I bought – first time I went for the flowers. Must be your influence! I bought Violas and the white Allysums (?) is that the name?

Happy gardening – I’m going to have my hands full this weekend. Now to find a perfect place for them all.

[one_half]White blooms[/one_half]
